
Our Keynote Speakers

Angelita Maria Ferreira Machado Rios

Physical Expertise


Angelita Maria Ferreira Machado Rios

Physical Expertise


Armando Leandro



Armando Leandro



Carlos Monjardino



Carlos Monjardino



Denise Casanova Villela

Public Prosecutor


Denise Casanova Villela

Public Prosecutor

Public prosecutor in Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil and Coordinator of CAOIJEFAM of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Rio Grande Sul. 

Jorge Manuel Ferreira

Professor Associado


Jorge Manuel Ferreira

Professor Associado

Jorge M. L. Ferreira, C.C. Nº07366753, Doctor of Social Work in the speciality of Social Work, Social Policies and Society. Associate Professor at ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute.

Luiziana Souto Schaefer

Psychic Expertise


Luiziana Souto Schaefer

Psychic Expertise

Psychologist. PhD in Psychology (PUCRS) with internship on the department of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (U. Porto) at the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences - North Delegation, Portugal (INMLCF,I.P.). 

Manuel Sarmento

Professor and Researcher


Manuel Sarmento

Professor and Researcher


Maria Eugénia Saraiva



Maria Eugénia Saraiva



Maria Virgínia Brás Gomes

Direção-Geral da Segurança Social


Maria Virgínia Brás Gomes

Direção-Geral da Segurança Social

Senior Social Policy Adviser in the Directorate-General for Social Security

Neil Gilbert

Chernin Professor of Social Welfare


Neil Gilbert

Chernin Professor of Social Welfare

Neil Gilbert is the Milton and Gertrude Chernin Professor of Social Welfare and Social Services. He served as the School's acting dean (1994-96) as well as chair of the doctoral program for a five-year period. He was also vice-chair and chair of the Berkeley Senate Faculty's Graduate Council.

Dr. Gilbert was a senior research fellow at the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development in Geneva. He was a recipient of the Senior Fulbright Research Fellowship to study the changing structure of social services in the British welfare state. He has served as a visiting Fulbright lecturer at Tel Aviv University in Israel. He was awarded a second Fulbright Fellowship to study European Social Policy as a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics and Political Science and at the University of Stockholm Social Research Institute. In 1993 and 1997, Dr. Gilbert served as a visiting scholar at the International Social Security Association in Geneva. In 2010 he was a visiting scholar at Oxford University Department of Social Policy and was a visiting professor at the University of Hamburg in 2016.

His numerous publications include 32 books and over 145 articles that have appeared in The Wall Street JournalThe Public InterestSocietyCommentaryThe American Interest, The Atlantic and leading academic journals. Several of his books have been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Italian. His book, Capitalism and the Welfare State (Yale University Press) was a New York Times notable book and also reviewed in the New York Review of Books. His 1995 book, Welfare Justice: Restoring Social Equity, was published by Yale University Press and reviewed in the Wall Street JournalPartisan Review and The Washington Times. In 2002, Transformation of the Welfare State, published by Oxford University Press was reviewed in the New York Review of BooksThe New Republic and well-known academic journals. His 2008 book, A Mother's Work: How Feminism, the Market and Policy Shape Family Life (Yale University Press), was reviewed in the Atlantic Monthly. His most recent book is Never Enough: Capitalism and The Progressive Spirit (Oxford University Press 2017). Vanguard essays adapted from this work have been published in The American Interest and The Atlantic Magazine.

Dr. Gilbert was the US Delegate to Oxford University Press for Social Work and Sociology, served on the board of trustees of the Head-Royce School and is chairman of the board of Seneca Center. In 1987, he was awarded the University of Pittsburgh Bicentennial Medallion of Distinction. In 2000 he was voted the UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare Teacher of the Year.


What our keynote speakers say ...

  • Spyros Spyrou

    "I have had an ongoing interest in children and politics with earlier work on the construction of children’s national identities and border-crossing experiences in the ethnically and politically divided context of Cyprus as well as children’s engagement with and construction of immigrant “others”. More recently, I have focused my work on exploring children’s participation in social movements and more specifically climate action. Though in all this work the multiple temporalities of childhood inform our understandings of what it means to be a political child, when we turn to children’s participation in climate action, the future as a temporal condition of significance takes center stage as children attempt to make sense of their generational position in a world faced by multiple, ongoing crises. In this talk I will reflect on the significance of attending to the future by exploring children’s struggles to reclaim it and orient themselves towards it by enlisting a sense of collective hope as an act of political will. More generally, I will reflect on what it means for Childhood Studies as a field to reclaim the future as an analytical concept and explore its potential for the production of critical knowledge in childhood."

  • Denise Casanova Villela

    "Parceria entre o Governo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, por intermédio da Secretaria da Segurança Pública, com a interveniência da Polícia Civil e do Instituto-Geral de Perícias, o Ministério Público do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, e o Município de Porto Alegre, por intermédio da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde, com a interveniência do Hospital Materno-Infantil Presidente Vargas, visando ao atendimento integrado entre saúde, segurança pública ( Polícia e Perícia) e Ministério Público na proteção de crianças e adolescentes vítimas de abuso sexual e responsabilização dos suspeitos desta violência junto ao Centro de Referência ao Atendimento Infantojuvenil (CRAI), localizado na capital Porto-Alegre, do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil, que realiza a escuta especializada, atendimento pediátrico e ginecológico, o aborto permitido por lei, juntamente com a coleta do material genético do DNA, pericias médico-legais e registro da ocorrência policial, com encaminhamento da família para rede de proteção do sistema de garantia de direitos da criança e do adolescente, com comunicação ao Conselho Tutelar e Ministério Público."

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